Yulgang Pretty

Thai yulgang has a new patch "Ninja" Well, a pretty girl is a beautiful ^ ^


Thai wives and girlfriends - some stories

Those who live in Thailand for a while hears stories about the men in the West (or farang as we are known here) and the bizarre behavior of their Thai wives and girlfriends. To this view from the outside, it is often a source of pleasure. Sometimes it's just a strange behavior. Other times it is a frightening willingness to cheat on their partners completely Farang.

Some of the things these women do, only bring you laugh, but there are other times they take
Her breathing with thesheer audacity of their actions, their ability to put aside any semblance of morality and just settlement away to their own purposes. There are other times when it just their plain stupidity, that steals the breath is.

The following four stories of couples happened around my own little village in Phuket, where quite a few farang-Thai These stories are. Just a few of the things that Thai women are up to.

Unreasonable Behaviour

A youngand his Thai girlfriend have lived for months Guy European, in the house opposite me for the last three. Both are placed very sociable and fast. We sometimes share a few drinks in the garden He seems like an easy-going guy. She is very talkative and generally happy. She does not drink, smoke or play or take drugs, which material is a promising start for Thai girlfriend.

The problem is, she regularly goes completely out of control. Every two or three days they havea violent quarrel. can I say argument, but in reality usually only her voice you hear screaming abuse. It raises the things that shatter windows and then there are tears and drama on the street.

The result is usually that they packed their bags and stated that it is a good leaving group. A great show is made this. She comes to say goodbye because they will never meet again. She calls a taxi and then stands in front of her house screaming to leave her boyfriend, that they forwell.

He remains quiet inside and ignore the whole charade. The thing is we all know it is not abandoned. You can back and forth on the same day. If not, they will again the next day somehow triumphant glance. In fact, this excuse to leave so shallow that instead of her bags packed, she now makes a habit of hiding them in our house, so as not to burden their implementation.

What are the arguments? Some of them are the usual accusation that he plays
around with other women. Often it is that he money will be spent on something, she thinks wasteful. But it's his money! He pays a generous compensation. As Farang Thai women do this routine tries to stop their boyfriends spend their money, it's not because they want to save him money. It's a simpler motive. The more the friend spends, the less there is left for them to extort from him.

This girl has already told my wife, she has three other farangBoyfriends. This is one of the things we do not get Westerner. It's not just that they play these games and their friends to cheat. They think it is something to brag about, and if they get it right proud of her boyfriend in the nose, the better. Why she thought my wife would not tell me I do not know. She probably assumes all Thai women cheat their partners and farang, that my wife would be impressed with their cunning.

I would not interfere in other people'sRelations, so I do not say this guy is about the other friends. Anyway, I do not think he is like a fool. He is returning to Europe this week and I doubt whether he will continue his relationship with this particular Thai girls - but you never know.


The previous holder of that same house was a European guy and his Thai wife. He worked in Europe for six months a year and lived in Phuket for the other six months. He had this way forYears and when he was in Phuket, she seemed always have a good relationship. The problem was that for the six months he was away, had his wife, and their vices maintain gambling.

Gambling seems women really a big problem for some Thai. I know some of the Thai wives on our estate play a regular game of cards. They all say the same thing. It's just a bit of fun for little money. I have seen them play and it's not for fun. You get very intense,there is little conversation, and although the stakes start small, they grow quickly. I've heard of women gaining or losing as much as 30,000 baht in those "fun" games.

It seems a little gambling in the Thai mentality suggests that they are very open to
Addiction. Perhaps it is their belief in lucky numbers and fate. Whatever it is, there are good reasons why gambling is illegal in Thailand. There is an endless source of problems, especially for Thai women with money fromand time on their hands as of farang women.

So every morning this Thai woman play-off for their local map. Sometimes they would be gone for two or three days - they can really play that long. She had this for years and I think she was losing too much. But then the problems began.

The first sign was when they began to ask to borrow money. At first it was only small sums, we happy, could give them. But then wanted to 10,000 Baht. I knew this was aSign of a serious problem. They chased their losses. The only way they could repay the money, was, if they had luck in the game, so I refused the loan.

Of course there are other ways to borrow money in Thailand. Once one of these girls is on the track they will keep pushing. Soon there were rough looking Thai men on her doorstep recovery. She sold her bike and started renting a place. She sold jewelry and furniture, but used the money to chase herAnd losses and the loan sharks kept appear. She began to disappear for a week at a time. It was obvious that their situation was out of control. Then she was gone.

I do not think they got the loan sharks. She packed her bags in the middle of the night and ran. There were rumors about how much she owed, and for that kind of sums it would have
to do a good job of disappearing. There were calls to ask her husband why he could not contact his wife. When he returned to Phuket, there wasNo trace of her. She had not to her family, or at least would not admit that they returned. They simply ran away from it all, the debts and marriage.

Pretend pregnancies

A good friend of mine was very pleased that his wife are expecting their first child. His wife's sister was also very pleased, but for slightly different reasons. They wanted copies of the ultrasound examination of the fetus. She had an Australian friend who was like an old chest suction. She had already twiceconvinced him she was pregnant and had medical expenses. Then, of course, she had two miscarriages and so needed more medical expenses.

Now she was trying the same routine for a third time, but he proved a little harder to convince. He wanted to see the ultrasound scans. So, what luck that her sister just happened to be pregnant.

My friend absolutely put his foot down. No way would he let his child be used as a bargirl scam instrument in a Thai. It is one thing,Stand back and watch these girls rip off their farang friends. It is quite another thing to take an active role to play in the deception.

Without a copy of an ultrasound examination, their bluff was called, and she was caught. The Aussie boyfriend dumped her. All kinds of drama to follow. She had a Thai friend and together they lived the high life. Without their benefactors, they quickly ran huge debts. The Thai boyfriend left her. She got her mother to obtain credit.You default on the loan and the mother spent two days in jail, until my friend paid her bail - after all, it is also the mother of his wife.

So much drama and heartache, that you think they could actually learn their lesson learned. And would you believe it - the Aussie friend decided to give her another chance. Now she is spending money like water again, and convinced that everything she has done is working for the best.

Oh yes, one other thing they did not say AussieFriend. He is very keen to start a family, but it can have no children. It is barren.

Everything to lose

All these stories in past pale in significance compared to what happened to this guy. I do not know him personally but I know his neighbors. He worked in Bangkok and Phuket at the weekend came to see his wife. Their relationship was already rocky and they split to work on an amicable agreement. They owned the house, but there was still a pendingMortgage.

One weekend he returned to find their way home, it deserted. All that was of value disappeared. He was confused and was looking for an explanation. He soon was one given by a bank representative, arrived shortly thereafter. The bank has taken possession of the house. "That can not," said this fellow. "I pay the mortgage each month. The bank said Guy - "the mortgage with another bank. Your wife has a second mortgage on the property and it has not paid."

The Farang Guyrealized he had lost verything. He looked for a way out, but there was none. Can I take over the payments? It is too late. I am a lawyer! It is too late. We were in action for months. It is now complete. In blind rage, caught this fellow farang destruction of the house. The bank called the police and they arrested him. The house was no longer his property, he would have to pay for the damages.

In the next few days, was the full extent of his wife's betrayalapparent. She had
not only taken a second mortgage on the property, but they had used as collateral for
a loan from the local mafia. She had taken the money and disappeared. There were two banks and the local mafia fighting over who was entitled to his house.

I had before his wife only once met a couple of weeks. She came to our house to ask for a
100,000 baht loan. She said she would write a contract and pay back 110 000 Baht, the very
next week. Of course, we haverejected this generous offer. You must also then have to know that they did not have to pay the intention. It contributed to the turn, until a sucker willing to give the credit available. It was actually a local Thai guy she shaved. It's a small world. Another friend of mine recently met this guy works Farang offshore. He worked all the hours he could get to pay off his debts. The bank, with the original mortgage has insisted he must pay off, or they have it from the black listThailand. He loves Thailand and his life here and will not be blocked.


I certainly do not want to generalize and say that all Thai women are scheming or crazy. All four women had one thing in common, they were all working in the sex industry. That's not to say that all Thai girls from the sex industry are poor. It is not even that all Thai girls who never worked in the sex industry are good. But by and large theseSuch behavior is much more of women who have worked in the sex industry to come.

The tourism sector of the sex industry is all about extracting as much money as possible from the customers. The girls learn to lie, scheme and play their customers like a fish in water. You can take the same mentality in their long-term relationships. They are still the game and unfortunately, the basis of their relationship, how much money they squeeze from their farang.

I knowknow many guys who have great Thai women. I would go so far as to say that the
Kind of stories about the minority and most men who settle in Thailand find a great woman. The cultural differences always cause a few difficulties and Thai women certainly do a few things we find strange. As long as both sides are willing to compromise then it can all work in order.

This is not a purely Thai phenomenon. I know men, the women were fleecedtheir
own countries. And the divorce rate in the West are so high that it really makes no sense knocking on the number of failed Farang-Thai relations. Page of the Thai woman is not treacherous This is a universal truth. However, these stories seem to be more frequent than elsewhere. I think it is mostly a byproduct of the way many of these relationships started.

Thai Girls - Thai women as husbands Online Search

Thailand is a beautiful country in Asia and its people are beautiful too. Thai women are famous for their natural beauty, so here they are well trained and exotic and reserved and at the same time. Thai women can be seen in every role, they work shoulder to shoulder with men and have amazing abilities and strengths in them. They are well respected women in society. Thai women prove to be the best, and are very sincere in their marital relationship. Her beautyand nature is amazing for Western men. Although many Thai girls and women dancing in bars and nightclubs to go and there, but it happens everywhere in the category of women does not mean that Thai woman show.

The world becomes a global village and people are now willing to explore the world. The ratio of cross-region marriages and relationships have increased a million times when it was a decade ago. Sun marry Asian women, many men and so many Western men marrying Asian women. This givesthem the opportunity, regions and religions, to know how well. Since the Internet is that people do not want to go to find their game as life is short and busy. Internet offers the possibility of online dating for anyone with access to it.

Almost all women and men who are from single use, they want to explore the world to find their life partner. This is the case with Thai women and girls. They combine the singles sites in large numbers everyday and look for the mantheir dreams. There are many Thai dating sites available, which are open to everyone, and it is those which he, too many / she wants. Thai women in marriage, who are interested and are really looking for her husband, the will connect to all its details in the profile, but that is just the spot for fun, not only to fill in the wrong information, but the wrong picture as well.

The profile and his picture is the main thing, and if that is attractive then the chances for a matchto increase. Number of marriages increased online women in Thailand to a considerable degree. Thai are not only beautiful and sexy, but also loving and caring. The properties they possess are unmatched. Most Thai girls are willing to travel if they find someone, Thailand can see her husband as they go abroad and appreciate. Join brought Sincere girls and women, the sites for the marriage several pictures of them online and put a restriction so that only the man sheTrust can to see these images.

Since it is easy for women to get marriage offers on websites online dating, because there are too many men on each picture dating site and a good profile is all that they are women. Saw Thai ensure that they have their best photos online and make a profile picture to invite more people. Thai women are different to Western culture, but they know it perfectly and can be prepared when the region find their husband from different.

Why use Thai Mangosteen?

The mangosteen fruit was first found in Burma, now Myanmar, Siam, now known as Thailand. In fact, mangosteen is an evergreen tropical Thai tree that can grow quite high. In Asia it has been known for centuries, and was often referred to as the "Queen of Fruits" because of its healing properties.

In order to grow for one of these trees, it must be extremely hot and humid weather. Therefore, you only see this tree grows near the equator. Even if much of theGrowing conditions are the same in California and Florida, there has been little success in places a Thai mangosteens growing in them. Obviously this is due to the small differences in climate. Neither has much success growing the trees in greenhouses have been either.

The fruit of the tree looks like small, round eggplants with a unique curved cap on top. Unlike most other types of fruit, it is usually the outer shell or rind of the fruit that is used. Although thewhite, cut inner flesh is edible, most of the healing properties of the fruit attached, are concentrated in the shell.

The fruit itself looks like has a fairly hard shell, but it's really easy to open. It must be ensured when to open it, even though his. The bark produces a dark purple juice stains, fabric and even skin badly, it may even be impossible to remove. Hotels in Southeast Asia in general ban with guests from the fruit in their rooms for fearDamage.

Since the Thai mangosteen is so difficult to grow outside of South East Asia, juice is usually expensive and often hard to find. The juice is becoming more common these days, and can be found in health food shops and even mainstream grocery stores. Independent dealers also sell the juice, delivered to your home.

Whether this is the Super Fruit that many believers claim that it needs to be proved. Preliminary investigations haveproven to help with certain conditions, but long-term effects remain to be investigated.

Muay Thai Kick Boxing What Changed My Body Workouts

Muay Thai Kickboxing under I have for about three months
now twice a week on Mondays and Thursdays. It was
an amazing experience. The Thai Kickboxing Workouts
intensive, we fool ourselves. Even when I'm in
Beginners class, the sweat flows like a hot summer rain!

We start every Kickboxing Workout of food in the gym
where our Kru or teachers. He bows to us, we bow to him,
and he greets us with a few words. We thenbegins with

may sound crazy that too, I found rope skipping to be
incredibly challenging. I started with 25 pounds of extra
around my waist, and maybe my coordination was a little
off the rope is covered in hard plastic, plus I'm barefoot
and the rope would smack my toes and it really burns!

I want to see the more experienced students, and jump rope
To see if I could keep up. Sometimes I could walk 15 to 20 jumps
in a row before I would take myToes or the head with the rope.
But after a month I got the hang of it. We jump rope
The Thai kickboxing training, until we start to sweat, perhaps,
4-6 minutes.

Then comes the twisted part of the cardio-conditioning.
Each class has a different kickboxing routine. Sometimes
We do Burpees, sometimes hillclimbers always many
Squats, jump squats, push-ups and the like. For the old
Timer is like a real intense session of calesthetics.

WeGeneral train technology for 20-25 minutes. And
as the heart, kick boxing technique training varies from
Class to class. Sometimes you work your kicks on the pads
that keep your partner. Sometimes his punches
Combinations. We work routines like front kick, punch 3
Thai kick combo right then. It's always different. I
really enjoy the variety, it keeps the training of more
First stale.

But we have always done with pain ... Abdominal pain.You lie
on the floor on your back and lift the legs from the
Ground until it is perpendicular to the air. Your partner
is upside down, like with his feet close to your
Shoulders, facing your feet. Your partner pushes on your
Feet, you force your legs back down on the floor. They increase
Their legs straight up, the partner pushes them back
down ... that goes straight for 3 minutes. Your abdominal muscles are
Burning after a scream, after 2, andRule
close to failure before the session ended. Then you get on
Switches and torture your partner!

I honestly thought I saw an abdominal muscle on my body
the other day in the mirror. It is impossible, I still have
at least 10 pounds of fat to lose, but I feel fantastic!
My energy levels are off the charts, I'm so much sleep
better at night and I love it. I recommend
Muay Thai Kickboxing training to anyone seriously
Getting Startedin top shape!

Thai Girls and Thailand Travel in 5 easy steps

If it appears to have an age, in the attractive younger (than you) hit girls or women to be meeting a bad challenge, perhaps it is time to examine your mind open to new horizons. Yes, I'm talking about Thai women and Thai girls here. And does it from a guy who has lived in Thailand for the better part of four years.

But before we make the perfect Thai girl, why Thailand? Maybe it's the attention. It is hard not to people who will be always smiling seem to be takenwelcoming and friendly. And with a big "not too serious about everything and a lot of attitude of the Thai Buddhist qualities, well, it's all very persuasive.

Anyway, Thailand is a world in itself, be prepared so amazed, and have all your normal "logical" thinking with the current illogical and strange behavior replaced. In other words, Thailand is a totally weird place. Remember that if you travel to a foreign country after you arrive, you become theForeigners ...

Among all their differences, are the true joys and fascinating. There is no doubt Thailand is a crazy world. But strangely enough, it seems well hang together. And the proof is in the pudding ... to have thrown me into this lifestyle, I now feel somewhat "concerned" about the fact that they travel to a Western country and with people from the West. Why should I feel that way?

Maybe because I was immersed in smiling, polite Thai people and always greeted me wanted to know about me. Maybe because I was surrounded by Thai you go, that food is always so important everywhere. Food, ... "Shows how we take care of delicate feelings of the people." And then there's the Thai girl ...

Let's talk about Thai girls and Thai world through these five simple steps:

Step one: Go to http://yourthaigirl.com and read the downloadable ebook, (and if you're here sign up the Thai Girl,> Thai Life newsletter). In this eBook you will learn all about Thai culture, lifestyle, and of course, Thai girls.

You get what savvy to do, what not to do, when to do it, and where they go and do it. You'll know what it all means, and the eBook you the "inner image" in the world of Thailand.

Step two: Make your ticket to Thailand as soon as you can. When you arrive, prepare for the Slam ... the heat ... an invisible hammer hitsYou with his mighty power ... She hurries greet with the force of a thousand angels Simmering ...

And yet, before you know it, you will be the long corridors slip into the cool air-conditioned airport. Get your bags, your warehouse, your book Thai girls and prepare your greatest journey. (Hey, this is Thailand not as hot as you think :-)

Step three: Get out and meet and greet people. Prepare your business card, your few words of Thai, a good hotelResort or with a funny name, and your best clothes. In this country, it pays to look good. Thai 's like clean, fresh and attractive. No joke.

Step Four: Just be you. Expect lots of questions. The Thai's want to learn English ... Speak English with you. You have a great, valuable and remarkable time. Be adventurous. Be a tourist. Learn new things. Travel on the Sky Train.

Step five: This is all done. Remember, however, to keep itlight-hearted. The Thai's like to have fun, not "too serious" and will appreciate it if you show them in relation to the things that are important. The key is enjoyment. Have fun.

Actually, there's really nothing of it. It is so easy (if you're here!) The main thing is to keep quiet beauty appreciate the Thai girls are looking for quality relationships, and let me know how it all goes, okay.

Muay Thai for fitness

Mixed martial arts leagues such as the UFC has exploded in popularity in the last few years. With the increased exposure in the U.S., the national sport of Thailand has become a big hit with MMA fighters and those who want to be. What has been lost but the advantage that Muay Thai can serve the society, otherwise ordinary members.

Muay Thai ago was originally developed as a means to fight in Thailand thousands of years. As theMethods have developed the sport took shape and now the practice is mainly used by fighters for the purpose of the competition. Many may be people who would not be as familiar with the sport to interpret it as brutal and bloodthirsty. In reality, the sport has deep traditions of respect and sportsmanship, and could be enjoyed by all.

Membership in a Muay Thai Gym fitness to improve, your body can dare to be an educational and rewarding experience for those who. The training is grueling, butExercise both your strength and aerobic capacity. In contrast to other methods of working out training, it is also more appealing than a standard treadmill or lifting weights again. The added bonus to joining such a sport is the ability to defend themselves if they ever at this point. The most important aspect in the selection of a Muay Thai Gym is to ensure that objectives of the school with the goal of taking care of your. Some schools are only up to train fighters for the actual competition,others simply exist only as another form of aerobics.

The best way to join is a school that competitors do not train but new students welcomed with open arms. Although hard to find it good, it would be worth just as always hurt discourages new students from continuing. Once you start the training is like you have never done this before, but build in the time of your abilities and your body will start to gain strength and endurance and Privacy Policy. Consistency is definitelythe key here as well during the week off can cause a noticeable decrease in your ability to lead the entire class to bear. Techniques are also important because many of the kicks and blows require a precise method to pull with maximum force.

Of course, if you are not in competition it does not matter how much, but it is still useful because they reduce the likelihood of injury. Finally, you may be prompted to save a partner or even participate in a competition. These steps areoptional, but often once you begin to explore the potential of the sport join you want to see in these activities can, even if that was not your original intention. The bottom line is do what makes you most comfortable. Remember, this sport is not confined to any sex or physical body type, all people are equally welcome and potentially in a position to excel in the sport.

The most important thing to remember is that Muay Thai is an excellent way to work in a uniqueEngaging environment. It does not require staring a wall while on a treadmill for an hour or it is required endless lifting weights in a dark room. These activities can be used to exercise vary somewhat, but your schedule Muay Thai you can try a little different and perhaps more fun. Not by what you see on television, frighten, give your local instructor a call and sign up for a trial lesson. You will not be disappointed!